Wednesday, May 6, 2015

So many months ago I wrote my predictions for Avengers 2. I just saw the movie last Saturday and many of my predictions were horribly off. I went into the theaters as a young optimist with complete faith in the marvel empire and I came out a broken ,sad boy. I will not write a review of AoU because it will force me to cry and wish I could reclaim the countless hours that I anticipated this movie. Instead I will write the 'corrections' I would make for the movie. Warning: Spoilers for Avengers 2, Daredevil, Agents of Shield, and Captain America 3.

First general things that needed to happen:

A lot more people needed to die for three reasons. 1. It shows that not even gods are able to save everyone. 2. It would make the transition from this to Civil War smoother. 3. It would have raised the stakes and made the tone darker...which it needed to be. That asteroid should not have fallen into the water, that was too easy. It should have scattered and at least hit a few major cities like Kiev, Rome, or Budapest. Also that scene where Captain America and Thor save the two following cars - no. They can't save everyone. It would have added a deliciously dark layer to the movie if they had only saved one vehicle. The vehicle with a bunch of people wold crash and we would see their terrified faces right before they died. Ultron should have also been more violent.

There needed to be more media involvement like in Avengers 1 where the TVs praised the Avengers for their heroics. Now you would see the same amount of media but people everywhere calling for the end of supers. Signs, protests, arsony, and looting of the avengers tower, etc. Show how everyone wants reform.

Show the widespread effects. It would have been cooler if Ultron drones were all around the planet. Do a brief scene of drones tearing apart major cities and blowing stuff up. It would have made it feel more global and would have better set up Civil War. I am not talking like apocalypse level stuff in each city, just a little bit of damage in major cities.

Transition this to civil war with lots of foreshadowing. There was not enough.

Have super prisons constructed at the end of the film to house new dangerous people. Show Colonel Talbot from AOS being put in charge. Perhaps see remnants of Ultron drones being loaded in along with the Leviathin. Show Abomination being reimprisoned. Have Talbot say they are ready for thousands more prisoners.

Terregenesis should have been a major part of this film. Ultron kept talking about how humans needed to evolve, but then he wanted to kill everyone with an asteroid. Fricking brilliant(sarcasm). Instead he should have found terrigen crystal and imbedded them into the asteroid. That way the asteroid kills regular people and lets those bound for evolution do so. This would have perfectly set up Inhumans movie.

Theta Protocol: Explain what this is.

Period of time: I would have had this take place over the course of several weeks, not 3 days. I mean this was supposed to be the age of ultron not the half week of ultron. It would have just been more awesome.

Iron Man: I would explore a father son relationship with him and Ultron. This was hinted at but it wasn't explored deeply. I wanted the film to highlight that Iron Man's legacy is always terrible and no matter what happens he will cause death and destruction. I would have had Ultron destroy his reputation and bank account through the internet. I would also have him show remorse for his actions and his losses. He didn't seem to be too concerned. In the final battle Iron Man would have been crippled and would retire. At the very end of the film he would handle documents concerning the 'Superhuman Registration Act'.

Captain America: I would have him shown longing for the past and in the end he would have announced his plans to embrace the modern day. This happened but I would have this revealed through his actions and not his words.

Thor: Complete the subplot concerning his vision and Asgard. This was a huge plot hole. Also in the end I would show him returning to Asgard and talking to Heimdall.

Hawkeye: I would have had him disable Ultron with a arrow embedded with a virus. This would have shown Hawkeye as an extremely valauble contribution to the team. Explore his past with Black Widow in flashbacks.

Black Widow: More flashbacks of her past that actually play into the movie.

Vision: Show him as more paternal and more mysterious.

Hulk: Fly the quinjet to space, starting Planet Hulk. Alternatively have the angry citizens of Earth deport him.

Scarlet Witch: Show her attraction for Vision. Also make her freaky and insane like in the comics.

Quicksilver: Give him an extremely dramatic funeral.

Falcon and War Machine were gold!

Thanos was good.

Strucker: I would have kept him alive and have had a silhoutted Hydra figure break him out for Civil War.

Loki: Show him on the thrown and grinning as Thor returns to Asgard.

Klaw: Have his arm replaced with a mechanical arm to prepare him for Black Panther.

Ultron: Show him more scary, more intimidating. Have him kill millions of people. Perhaps the asteroid breaks up and scatters hitting a major European city like Kiev or Rome. Then at the end show him alive. One of his body spits out his spawn, just like in the comics. No matter what you, Ultron can not be killed.

Peggy Carter: Play the devil's advocate to Captain America and make him want the past.

Dr. Cho and Laura Barton were perfect.

Maria Hill: I would have had several Ultron drones infiltrate the helicarrier and have her dispatched to take them out.

Madame B: Show her more sinister and give her more screen time.

Heimdall: Show him when Thor returns to Asgard.

Erik Selvig: Give him more screentime so he doesn't feel out of place.

Nick Fury was great.

FRIDAY: Give her the JOCASTA body

Jarvis: Show more emotion for his death.

Talk about how Ultron has affected everyone. Show Kingpin cleaning up wreckage and exploiting people to do the work. Have Daredevil standing on the rooftops observing.

Terregenesis should have been a major part of the film. Show the inhumans(Lincoln, Raina, Jiaying, Skye, and Gordon + Dr. Hyde) in Afterlife.

Show the new avengers program: Have Deathlok and Mockingird be shown as candidates on a screen.

Pepper Potts: Incorporate her into the movie as a tool against Iron Man. Iron Man could tell her to go into hiding, and to wear the 'Rescue' armor. Ultron finds her, corrupts her suit and kills her. Later the rescue armor is sent back to Tony Stark. The suit(under the control of Ultron) pretends to be Pepper but then when it gets close the suits rejects the body of Pepper onto Iron Man. Iron Man is horrified and then the suit attacks him, which is how Iron Man gets crippled.

Show the Abomination being locked away in one of the new super prisons.

Have Thunderbolt Ross from the Incredible Hulk be tasked with collecting loose supers by the government.

Jane Foster: Have her look at her equipment in front of an celestial storm and say something ominous like "dark days are coming" or something that foreshadows Thor 3.

Lady Sif: Have her greet Thor upon his return, warning him that new enemies have arisen on Asgard.

Winter Soldier: In the beginning of the film have Falcon show a tablet to Captain America showing live footage of the Winter Soldier in public. They plan to find him right before Ultron strikes.

Crossbones: At the end of the movie have an ominous government official talk about how supers are again at fault, how they need to be regulated, how super prisons need to be created, etc. Essentially have them set up Civil War. Then he will say something like "all it takes is one individual who causes a whole lot of bad". Then show Crossbones in his mask and with his guns either walking into a government building or obtaining a nuclear weapon. Done in slow motion.

Agent 13: Have Sharon give Captain America a call at the end of the movie telling her what is going on in the CIA with the Superhuman Registration Act.

In one of the last scenes of the movie have one of the remaining avengers say something along the lines of "no one lasts forever, we are always looking for new recruits". Then show a quick montage of 6 people. First is a man in a prison cell(Ant Man), then a corporate business woman(Wasp), then a heart surgeon leaving the operating room(Doctor Strange), then show a man sitting on a throne(Black Panther), then have a teenager sitting at his desk in school(Spiderman), finally have a female Air Force pilot exiting her plane(Captain Marvel).

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Hey Guys!

Here are some of my predictions for Avengers: Age of Ultron. The first set of entries are in order while the second set is not. Spoilers for Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Avengers 2 below.

  • The film begins with a montage akin to that of the opening scenes of Godzilla or World War Z. Tony Stark begins re assembling the Avengers and creating mysterious new projects. Bruce Banner is unofficially added to the project during a conversation in Stark's lab. Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye and Maria Hill are all recruited by Stark following the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Thor is approached by Maria Hill after stopping a villain in the streets of London. Claudia Kim's character joins Stark Industries as a research lead on a new Artificial Intelligence program. War Machine is hired by Stark to serve as a military tactician for a project labeled 'Iron Legion'. Hope Van Dyne makes a business deal with Tony Stark involving a heavily guarded crate with unknown contents. Van Dyne mentions the contents saying that her father would not be happy knowing about the trade.
  • Another shorter montage of the Avengers taking on super powered criminals all through out the world and providing for world peace.
  • Hulk will be internally disturbed throughout the film leading to unseen conflict between the two.
  • Prior to the film, Hulk becomes unruly as an Avengers causing collateral damage. Iron Man decides that Hulk can only be used as a last resort. Black Widow is assigned to be Banner's defender - ensuring that he does not Hulk out. This will eventually lead to a relationship between the two.
  • Iron Man creates and deploys the Iron Legion - a small army of Stark robots designed to prevent super powered individuals from becoming threats. Secretly the Legion begins to eliminate the most dangerous threats.
  • An AI robot called Ultron is appointed the field leader of the Iron Legion.
  • The Iron Legion becomes a security task force as it patrols the world.
  • The Avengers have finally made the world a more peaceful place. Earth;s mightiest heroes decide to take some down time.
  • A drone is destroyed in Eastern Europe.
  • Iron Man assembles the avengers to respond to the destruction. Thor is on a date with Jane when he is interrupted by Stark's request to investigate. Captain America and Falcon are looking for Bucky when Rogers is called to Europe.
  • Baron Von Strucker and his European hydra cell are causing trouble from their castle in Fort Bard.
  • The Avengers engage Strucker's forces including the Maximoff twins. Hydra destroyed the Legion drone to draw out the avengers. They hope to use an anti hulkout serum to capture the Hulk. Hulk is injected with the serum and reverts to human form. The other avengers are slowly pushed back by Hydra energy weapons. Just as the avengers are nearly defeated Ultron arrives and kills Baron Von Strucker - saving the lives of the avengers.  In the process he is badly damaged. Tony Stark thanks Ultron and tells him that he will be fixed as soon as they arrive at Stark Tower.
  • The avengers celebrate their victory with a party. Tony Stark neglects to fix Ultron's grievous bodily damage. 
  • Ultron is left in a machine room.  He walks out into the hallway to discover a room open a crack. Believing Iron Man to be in this room, Ultron instead finds the bodies of countless destroyed Iron Legion drones which he feels like a brother to. At first he is angry, but then he uses the scrap parts to rebuild himself.
  • In his anger Ultron attacks the avengers party, takes War Machine prisoner and escapes.
  • Following this incident the avengers express their disbelief and anger towards Tony Stark for the actions of Ultron.
  • Tony Stark reveals that he used his brainwaves to create Ultron.
  • Ultron views Tony Stark as his 'father'.
  • Ultron brings Rhodey to a secret facility where he kills him and places his bloody body into the War Machine suit. Ultron hacks the War Machine suit and sends it to Stark tower. 
  • Pepper Potts is visiting Stark Tower in light of the destruction. Tony Stark has the avengers and Iron Legion looking for Ultron when the War Machine armor shows up. Tony Stark thinks that Rhodey is in the suit until the armor opens up and expels the dead body. The suit closes and then shoots Pepper to death. Tony Stark electrically disables the War Machine suit before tending to Pepper who dies shortly after. 
  • Ultron begins accumulating enemies of the Avengers including Hydra.
  • Ultron claims command of the Fort Bard Hydra cell, releases the twins, and converts the castle into a factory.
  • Ultron releases the twins to fight the avengers in South Africa while he travels to South Korea. There he infects a powerful IT supercomputer and embeds himself into the web and all web ran devices. He controls the Iron Legion into turning on the Avengers. This leads to several avengers being severely injured.
  • Iron Man dons his armor for the first time since Iron Man 3.
  • Ultron desires for both a son and a wife. He creates Jocasta - a robotic counterpart. He takes Jarvis and reprograms him to become his son. This is intended to mock Tony Stark.

Second Part

  • Ultron continues to upgrade himself throughout the film. His third form is a larger chasis doused in vibranium stolen from Wakanda.
  • Ultron uses his factory in Fort Bard to expand the Iron Legion.
  • During the African Twins. vs. Aveners fights, the Scarlet Witch uses her powers to mess with the Avenger's minds. Thor believes that Asgard is in grave danger and returns there. Iron Man sees all of the Avengers dead at the foot of Thanos's throne. The Hulk believes that a Chituari Leviathan is loose in Africa. Captain America experiences a flashback to 1944 where he sees Peggy Carter convincing him to stay with her.
  • Ultron commits genocide by wiping out an entire Balkan nation.
  • The vision and the Scarlet Witch fall in love. 
  • Vision and the Twins ally themselves with the Avengers after seeing the horrors of Ultron.
  • Nick Fury arrives to inform the Avengers that the Twins were created by the infinity Gem and are Inhumans.
  • The agents of shield deliver the Terrigen bomb to the avengers.
  • Vision uses his intangibility to steal the terrigen bomb for Ultron.
  • Thor remains on Asgard and leaves his Hammer on Earth,
  • Ultron shatters Captain America's shield.
  • Black Widow's Hydra origins are revealed
  • Ultron destroys the morale of the team inducing several flashbacks. Hawkeye remembers his experience with Klaw.
  • Ultron upgrades himself further by becoming human to mock Tony Stark
  • Hawkeye or Vision sacrifice themselves by stabbing Ultron with a Stark made infection to slow Ultron down.
  • Captain America kills Ultron by using Thor's hammer.
In the end:

  • The terrigen bomb is released into the atmosphere causing widespread superhuman transformations.
  • The Iron Legion survivors retreat and hide still carrying the mind waves of Ultron.
  • Stark blames himself for what happens. He sets up the Avengers academy to prevent another such occurrence. He also begins work on the Superhuman Registration Act.
  • Thor remains on Asgard. Thor hands his hammer to Loki(impersonating Odin) who is able to lift it. This teases the New Avengers.
  • Hulk is sent to space because of his danger to humanity.
  • Captain America travels to Wakanda to get his shield fixed and then resumes his quest to find Bucky.
  • Hawkeye or Vision, War Machine, and Pepper are all killed.
  • Black Widow is replaced by her clone Yelena.
  • The Twins attempt to unite the Inhumans

The end has a very dark tone.